Aug 15, 2010

Don't fret, I'm still alive.

Sorry I left ya'll hanging for a while. The end of my 90 days has long passed and, believe it or not, I have the last 2 weeks outlined, I just never completed or published a single day. Why? I guess the looming deadline and reality that my challenge was almost over left me feeling overwhelmed, pressured and even inadequate. I felt I needed to end on a profound note, and the idea of being profound seemed just a little beyond me. It still does. And so I'll slowly start finishing each day with exactly what I have, profound or not, it is what it is.

1 comment:

  1. What does one say to that?

    Perhaps I shouldn't presume anything, but I think we all would like to hear a happy ending. It doesn't have to be profound, because in the end, the most profound things are also very simple and easy to understand things.

    How is Gracie?

    What happened to you and Stellar Steve?

    How are you?
