May 2, 2010

Day 12: Peace: The reward for integrity

Ok Natalie. Step back. Breath. Now refocus.

My thoughts have strayed. It was at this same point in my first 90-day challenge that I began to waver. Well, now I don't have the luxury of wavering, as the very purpose of this challenge is to do better than the last. If I'm not my best now.... then when?

Today I found myself willing to compromise. Not to give up... just to "compromise." Resisting quick comfort is proving most difficult, and the affections of my heart were not entirely on the Lord today. It wasn't in a bad place... but I know I could have done better. I'm reminded that no man can serve two masters, so I'm back to square one, choosing which master to serve. It's not a hard choice. The path of ease develops no strength, while that of most resistance is sure to bulk me up. (I just envisioned body-builder Natalie. ... Ewwwwe, gross).

TODAY'S FOCUS: Be true to yourself. Simple as that. Whatever standards you know to be right, no matter how difficult, strive to live them. (Like them or not, you can't escape the value system you know in your core). Whatever goal you've set, aim for excellence. You know your limitations and you know your potential, hence, settling for anything less inevitably leads to disappointment, despite the elaborate justifications.

Only YOU know if you've been true to yourself. As you act out of integrity and meet your expectations , you invite unspeakable peace into your life. Peace is the one feeling the adversary can never counterfeit. Go with it.

QUOTE: "One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised." -Chinua Achebe

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