Apr 22, 2010

Day 2: Already lacking creative titles lol

Today has been incredible! I went to bed last night on a high note, as I'd spent all day reading, writing and making plans to conquer the next 90 days. To wake up this morning, already fulfilled, was truly a great way to start my day.

Today I did great in the men category. A guy texted me a few times, but I was too busy (and committed) to reply. After 8 unanswered texts he finally said, "Is this still Natalie's number?" I laughed, replied, and we had a brief, pleasant conversation. I feel balanced.

I've spent all day preparing for a Lia Sophia Jewelry party I'm having tonight. I know that I need to immerse myself in girlfriends, so this party is my attempt to do so. I'm not one to do this kind of thing, at all ... which is exactly why I'm doing it. (Surprising, as I'm quite the social bug). We'll see how it goes.

TODAY'S FOCUS: I am constantly aware of my thoughts and where I'm putting my energy. I only have room for the positive in my life and I understand that clear thinking produces clear results. By having control over my thoughts, I have control over my life. (A pretty darn good life, at that).

QUOTE: "A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth." - James Allen (As a Man Thinketh)

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