Apr 21, 2010


On Dec 25th, 2009, I gave Christ the best birthday gift I could conceive. My will. I wanted more than anything to have the affections of a man after my recent divorce - so I knew that was exactly what I must sacrifice, or at-least postpone. I promised that I would take 90 days to focus on serving those around me, and drawing nearer to Christ. 90 days without men. 90 days to heal. My resolve was to experience a love affair with the Lord, placing the affections of my heart upon Him, and He alone.

I held myself accountable daily and was pleased with my progress, experiencing near tangible growth. I had a few slip-ups, but would quickly get back on the horse. Though I had every intention of keeping my promise, my resolve wavered only 40 days into the challenge and I found myself spending hours - days even - with a "friend." This continued on and off for 3 weeks, my commitment lukewarm as silent justifications ran through my mind. Afterall... I was still serving daily. And we weren't "dating." Besides, everyone waivers a little, right?

It was this very reasoning that brought me back into focus. I don't want to be "everyone." I don't want my carnal desires to serve as a scapegoat for falling short of my potential. I want to be a woman of God, and achieve my greatest value. Proverbs 31:10, "Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies."

I recommitted to my promise and finished my 90 days like a champ, even extending it by two weeks. It was a great experience, and as I pushed past the hard times I grew immensely! However... I know I could have done better. No feeling in the world can replace the peace experienced when you know you did your absolute best. Hence, I'm starting again. I don't expect to be perfect, but I will strive a little harder to be my best.

I started a separate blog for this experiment because I WILL BE WRITING EVERY DAY FOR 90 DAYS. This might become tedious and monotonous, but it creates a public record of my doings, thus, holding me accountable. The clock starts ticking now, April 21st, and ends July 20th.

... Wish me luck. :)

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