Apr 29, 2010

Day 9: Responding to Opposition

Today was bitter-sweet. I spent all day at a women's conference, receiving inspiration and motivation. (That was the sweet part). Naturally, because I was seeking the "good", opposition crept up from behind and hit me with the "bad", an ugly attempt to distract me from my focus. (That was the bitter part). I had an altercation with my x. I'm still irritated over it. His bitterness and hate toward me leaves me in awe, as the only person justified to indulge either of those emotions is me. I refuse to live at that level. I feel it at times, (right now, for example) but I refuse to live there. I will not let the scars of resentment destroy the beautiful future awaiting me.

And so I've fought all day. You know... that constant inner-battle between taking the low road versus the high. I'm not sure how well I scored today, but I can honestly say I did my best. (But my goodness, the low was tempting)! :)

TODAY'S FOCUS: When your x pushes your buttons and every fiber of your being cries out for revenge, take the high road, and then keep taking the high road. (I'm not claiming I always do this, but I certainly try, and I've yet to regret doing so). Resist the temptation to scratch their eyes out! (This one is a toughy, I know. lol). Hold your tongue and think twice before talking. Like cheap mouthwash, let hateful words swish around in your mouth awhile, then as the sting starts to wear off ... swallow them. (Only don't swallow your mouthwash. That's just gross). Read and re-read your emails and texts before sending, or just wait until the morning when you're a bit more coherent. (I can't believe the number of unsent letters piled up in my draft box).

Most likely your x will give you violent opposition, and plenty of it. No matter the opposition - take the high road. You'll get your reward. (Perhaps peace of mind in knowing you're doing what's right is reward enough).

QUOTE: "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - Albert Einstein.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written, Natalie!

    Another bad side effect of swallowing your mouthwash: drunkedness. :)
