Apr 26, 2010

Day 6: Get busy.

Today I've been busy. Very busy. I'm in awe as I look at my clock. 12:03am. (Guess I blew my goal of being in bed by 11). A year ago I might have complained about a quickly-passing day, but in this stage of life I find relief over a day that has clipped along, leaving little idle time for the Devil.

I'm grateful for work. I'm not referring to a "job," rather the opportunity to be highly involved in a good cause. Be it a goal, an assignment or a daunting necessity... to come face-to-face with a difficult task, stare it in the eyes, and attack it head on is most rewarding. This kind of work brings undeniable satisfaction.

Today I took on such a task. I'm exhausted! Exhausted, yet fulfilled. I spent many hours on it while allowing my "busy-ness" to enshroud my guilt, knowing I was putting off more "important" goals on my to-do-list. I began to wonder if I chose the best investment for my time, yet the fact that I even chose a task (and stuck with it until it was finished) left me feeling more confident and hopeful in the future. I would consider that a good investment. I would consider that important.

TODAY'S FOCUS: Choose one task, big or small, that you know is slightly out of your comfort zone and resolve to get started on it today! It could be something you've put off for far too long (cleaning off your desk), or something you've considered often, but never quite dared act upon (that first step in beginning your business). Whatever you do - choose a task that stretches you slightly and determine to focus on it until it's complete! As is so often the case, when we find success in one small accomplishment we are spurred on to greater things.

QUOTE: " "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." - Dale Carnegie

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