May 3, 2010

Day 13: Three Essentials of Happiness

I've been a gloomy-gus the last few days. As I was looking over my goals last night I noticed I had written, "I will give place no more for the enemy of my soul." I resolved to do just that and, as a result, today has been awesome! How could it not? I decided so last night.

My highlights? Playing in a jungle-gym with my daughter and holding her as she slept tonight. This sounds simple enough but, as any parent knows, it's the simple moments that make life exuberant. My day was filled with much more than that, however. When I wasn't chasing or cuddling my baby, I was researching an endeavor I've been mulling over for months. My ambition was sparked and happiness found me. This, in turn, got me thinking about my future, and the greatness that awaits.

You see the domino effect? I'm fulfilled! I love my child, I'm engaged in a good cause, and I have hope for a beautiful future. What more could I want?

TODAY'S FOCUS: Quick - look down and read today's quote. Go. READ IT! ... alright then. Here's the question: Which of the three elements, if any, are you lacking? Which of the three could use a makeover? Maybe you have something to love and plenty of hope, but your "something to do" is lacking. Take up a hobby or start a new business, test drive karate or remodel your home (I'm attempting both). Regardless, choose something that will bring fulfillment, and the more areas of life it touches, the better.

I'm sure we all have something, or someone, to love... but if you find yourself lacking in this department then you had better start serving! We love those we serve, so volunteer somewhere and start making a difference.

Something to hope for. Hmmm... Isn't there ALWAYS something to hope for?! Keep your chin up and trust that good things are in store. They are, ya know. When hope dwindles, that's your sign to "get moving" - and become anxiously engaged in a good cause. As you press forward and make the most of today, you will surely be consumed with hope for tomorrow.

QUOTE: "Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." -Joseph Addison

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