May 9, 2010

Day 19: Greater Effort = Greater Reward

When I began my accountability chart I decided if I had a 75% success rate I'd reward myself for each 10-day period, and if I maintained it through all 9 periods I'd give myself a huge reward at the end. Last period I was successful and received a pedicure. This period I'm aiming for a massage.

That being said, I just realized tomorrow is the last day to hit my goals for this period - and there are A LOT of o's on my chart. (x's are good, o's are bad). Every night I've ignored this little fact, but knowing that I'll have to count them eventually spurred me on to do so tonight. YIKES! I was below a 75% success rate by 4 points. I didn't make time to accomplish every goal today, but I realized if I didn't muster up the strength to do just 4 more, then I would miss the mark and lose my reward. I hate missing the mark. So I practiced piano, read my book, wrote in my journal and cleaned my room. Two hours later I'm at exactly 75% - and if I have a perfect day tomorrow I will hit my goal. I am utterly exhausted and falling asleep as I write this. lol

I'm proud of myself for tracking my progress and raising the bar to meet my expectations, despite my incredible fatigue and lack of desire to do so. It would have been a lot easier to just go to sleep and count tomorrow - but imagine my disappoint upon realizing I missed my goal by 4 points, with no way to make it up. Not only would I have sacrificed this period's reward, but my 90 day reward as well.

TODAY'S FOCUS: Nothing is worse than looking back and knowing if you had pushed just a LITTLE harder you could have received a far greater reward. Decide to give that extra 2% when you think you have nothing left to give - and then bask in the satisfaction that can only come by knowing you did your best.

When it comes to responsibilities ... whatever you want to do least is probably a clear sign of what you should make your top priority. Once you buckle down and do it, you'll release the negative energy and stress carried with it, and be free to excel in other areas.

QUOTE: "Accountability breeds response-ability." -Stephen R. Covey

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