May 11, 2010

Day 21: Preparation brings peace

Today was the same old, same old. I focused on my goals, played with my daughter, experienced loneliness, longed for affection, resisted, got productive instead ... yada yada. You know the story. It felt like another day, until tonight - when I experienced a scare that woke up the mundane and broke the monotony.

I had just put my baby to bed and was in my kitchen, when I clearly heard a door close in my basement. My heart began to race, and my imagination went immediately to work, as I visualized a man lurking in my home. I was on the middle level and knew if I went upstairs to get my daughter he could meet me on my way down, putting her at risk. If I left to elicit the help of a neighbor, my daughter would be alone in the house. If I called 911, my daughter could be kid-napped by the time help arrived. (Ahhh, the mind of a mother). I had to act, and fast, so I opened my front door (so neighbors could hear me yell), pre-dialed 911 on my phone, grabbed my sharpest pairing knife and cautiously ventured into the basement. As I mentally rehearsed a hammer to the jaw and shuto to the neck, I felt confident knowing I could defend my home and protect my daughter. Karate was about to pay off, and some sorry, unsuspecting man was about to become my victim.

I'll be honest, I was bewildered to find nothing. Nothing at all. Now it all seems a bit silly, my forethought and mustering of courage, but in all the years I've lived here I've never once heard a sound like that. I'm baffled, but certainly not disappointed.
Was my plan the wisest? Who knows, but we all have the fight or flight reflex, and now we know which one I have. lol. Regardless, I was prepared - which brought a surprising calmness amongst the panic. (Although I've decided to install an alarm system this week. lol).

If you are prepared, you shall not fear. I'm not saying you have to be a black belt in karate - but I am saying that as you prepare for what lies ahead - spiritually, financially, physically and mentally - you will find peace and confidence. The million dollar question is knowing what lies ahead... what to prepare for. Because this question will never be answered, the best we can do is focus on preparing through faith rather than fear, for it's far to easy to let apprehensions of the future foster fears. In the end, all I can speak from is experience, and my experience shows that building my house upon the rock has proven to be the best preparation I could have ever fathomed.

QUOTE: "There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy." -George Washington

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