May 17, 2010

Day 27: No fear... know control

Today I discovered that Gracie loves watching movies! She was adorably content, lying on the couch with her doll in one hand and gold-fish crackers in the other. ... And can I just say how great "Finding Nemo" is? I've seen it a dozen times, but the underlying message remains both heartwarming and motivating, as Nemo's dad takes on what he thought was impossible, all for a purpose bigger than himself - to find his son. His reason provides determination, and as he begins to realize his weaknesses and let go of fears, adventure unfolds in a way he could have never fathomed and success finds him. The closing scene shows a changed fish: a fish who beams with strength and confidence, has friends throughout the ocean, and owns an incredible story to share. He faced his fears, and triumphed over his weakness.

Come-on, I have a child. Comparing life to a Disney movie was inevitable.

My weakness? Craving a man's validation - thus no dating. (Letting go of this is especially hard because it goes directly against my love language). This is a driving force in my life, which is exactly why I must master it. My "why?" My Gracie. In being my best self, I'll be my best mom.

TODAY'S FOCUS: Faults and imperfections seem to be founded and fueled upon root fears. Fear of being wrong, fear of failure, fear of losing love or acceptance.... And yet people push past these fears every day and overcome. How? What is it that gives them the drive and determination to conquer, despite their fears? This answer, of course, is their "why." Their reason.

When we discover our "why" we can overcome any "how," and as we persist in confronting our fears and weaknesses, we take back the control in life. True control. We fear what we don't face, and what we don't face is the very thing that controls us. In overcoming, we walk away free. Perhaps it's time to take responsibility for our weaknesses, acknowledge our fears, muster our courage and begin the journey to conquer. It's scary to let go, but it's even more scary to live in a world of "what-ifs" and "could-haves."

QUOTE: “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” -Ambrose Redmoon


  1. Nemo was one of the better movies I've sat through dozens of times with my girls. Monsters wasn't too bad either (until the 37th time), and the Wizard of Oz (original with Judy Garland) was actually quite entertaining and interesting, despite the 2-year-run at our house at the time.

    If I could change one thing, however, I would probably substitute the Wiggles with Signing Time (with Alex and Lea), simply because the kids pick up sign language quite naturally.

    Keep on keepin' on!

  2. Interesting how kids connect us. I've been considering signing time. Maybe I'll bite the bullet and make the purchase. (Although she's so incredibly vocal she may not even like the idea) lol

  3. FYI: They have all the Signing Time DVDs in the Salt Lake County Library System. Plus many more good shows, educational material, etc.

    Just saying.
