Jun 11, 2010

Day 52: Pick yourself up, because temporary pain can lead to long-lasting gain

What an interesting day (for lack of better words). I was talking to a friend this morning, when she said, "Have you seen pictures of your x's baby? They had it last week." Whaaaaat?! Last week? Though I never knew the due date, I had hoped it would be later.

My gut-wrenching hindsight stole my appetite and invited tears. I took a hot, very hot, bubble bath. Come to think of it, that was the first bath I've had since my divorce. As I soaked in melancholy I listened to Michael Buble, feeling lethargic and apathetic. After a few minutes, "That's Life" came on. I heard myself laughing over the appropriate lyrics, and allowed the weight to lift from my shoulders as I smiled, took a deep breath, and enjoyed the heat surrounding me.

"That's life. That's what all the people say. You're riding high in April, you're shot down in May. I know I'm gonna change that tune when I'm back on top in June. ...I've been up and down and over and out but I know one thing. Each time I find myself, flat on this face, I pick myself up and get back in the race."

TODAY'S FOCUS: Despite inner efforts toward healing, outer events are guaranteed to take place and throw a wrench in the works, acting as pot-holes and speed bumps along the way. Expect a few of these, and trust that as you come upon them (or rather as they come upon you) you will respond appropriately, whether that means confronting the problem head on, laughing it off, or climbing into hot bubble-bath where it can melt away.

Life consists of highs and lows, so when you find yourself in a low... pick yourself up and get back in the race. A high is sure to be around the corner.

QUOTE: "Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quite, however, it lasts forever." -Lance Armstrong


  1. Natalie, I am so sorry. I saw those pictures, too, and then did some math...I think I would've take a hot bath, and eaten a whole gallon of ice cream! :p But I love what you wrote on today's focus; it is similar to a quote I got on my mission by Pres. Eyring...He said "Plan on discouragement. Then plan on how to deal with it." It's really hard to pick yourself up when it doesn't feel like a speed bump, but rather a mountain you're facing. But when you do, each mountain I face seems a little easier to climb. I hope your hot bath helped!
    I think I need to listen to Michael Buble's new cd - I haven't heard that one!

  2. LOVE that quote! Love it. I'm gonna have to use that somewhere... :) (My fridge if nothing else lol)
