Jun 13, 2010

Day 54: No Risk = No reward

It's 1o:36 pm, and Stellar-Steve just left my home. I'm intrigued by our budding relationship, as it's unlike any I've ever experienced. He holds an incredibly high respect for me, and cherishes me in a way I've never known. I savor his munificence, and adore our time together.

Tonight we enjoyed Sunday dinner, a beautiful evening amble through my neighborhood, and a movie after my daughter was in bed. (Have I mentioned he does the dishes? Every night. That's right, ladies). It was the perfect end to my week, spending time with both he and Gracie. What more could I want?

As wonderful as this may be, I must admit... I'd like to know where it's heading, and how it's going to end up. I'd like to see the end from the beginning, so I can move forward without fear. That, however, eliminates the need for faith, and that is simply not the way life works. I alternate between faith and fear, but tonight I chose faith - determined to simply enjoy the gift before me and trust that it goes exactly where it's supposed to go. Sure, I'm still scared of getting hurt, but some things are worth taking a risk for.

TODAY'S FOCUS: Rewards are given to those who are willing to take risks. If the reward is big enough, the risk is worth taking, even if it ends in failure. After all, it's better to know and be disappointed then to not know and always wonder.

QUOTE: "If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything." -Win Borden

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