Jun 2, 2010

Day 43: Growth IS optional, change is not.

Today was wonderful! I was lucky enough to get my daughter for a few extra hours... so we played, laughed and went on a few walks to enjoy the sun. Her little personality is coming out, and watching her grow leaves me in awe. After her father picked her up I went to lunch with a couple girlfriends. Of-course, Stellar-Steve was the topic of conversation and they insisted on all the details. As the conversation came to a close my friend said, "Nat, I notice a difference in you. You've grown these last 10 days. You're stronger." Interesting... Steve said the same thing to me last night. Indeed, I have grown. I guess that's what happens when you welcome change, rather than run from it.

TODAY'S FOCUS: Embrace change. Face your fears and challenge your doubts. We don't grow by coasting through in life, rather by making the most of every problem and opportunity that comes our way.

QUOTE: “If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we are not really living." -Gail Sheehy


  1. How exciting to hear that things are going well! I love today's quote - it's a good thing to remember. Sounds like good times ahead for you!

  2. Yes and yes! I'm catching up on my missed days so you'll have to back-track in reading... but great things are happening. WHO KNEW!? This was the last thing I ever expected at this point in my life. Evidence of God's tender mercies. :)
