Jun 22, 2010

Day 63: Experience renewal by inviting adventure

Tonight's run was simply awe-inspiring. I've ran the same path for over a year, and for over a year I've appreciated the beauty it offers. It intertwines with the golf-course and winds along a tree-lined street, the center of which is covered with lush landscaping. I run over bridges and past several man-made streams and lakes... but today I decided to run along the lake, instead of past it. There's a sign at the entrance, informing the public that only owners and their employees are allowed on the path. After a year of adhering to it, my curiosity finally got the best of me. I took a new path. (rebellious, I know)

I'm baffled at the intensified beauty only three minutes off my usual path, and had no idea such a serene scene could be found so near my home. Frankly, I feel robbed to have just discovered it now. Ducks meandered near the sidewalk while butterflies frolicked among the breath-taking landscape. The sun cast an artistic sheen off the water and bathed the hills behind it in hazy golden shadows. If I didn't have my daughter with me I would've sat down to savor the scene. It was truly right out of the movies... and there all along! Who knew?

TODAY'S FOCUS: Break the chain of routine by doing something adventurous. Whether it's big or small.... every creative action leads to self-discovery, and self-discovery promotes fulfillment. Take the scenic route to work, order something new at your favorite restaurant, experience sky-diving or simply smile at the next person to cut you off in traffic. (I'm not sure which requires more courage, skydiving or being cheerful in traffic). Live with your eyes wide open and practice the art of adventure on a regular basis, because security leads to stagnation.

QUOTE: "It is in the compelling zest of high adventure... and in creative action, that man finds his supreme joys." -Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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